Sunday, June 7, 2009


After 1 week in Puerto Escondido, we traveled to Oaxaca city for a week there. The options to get to Oaxaca were 7h on a bus on a road that makes even the most experienced traveler car-sick or to take a small 7-seat plane for a 30 min flight. Considering my amount of vacation days and the fact that Whitney gets carsick in the back of a cab in Manhattan, we decided to take the plane… and boy am I glad that we did that. When we are boarding the plane it turned out that the plane was over-booked. So when I was climbing in, the guy that I think was the co-pilot pointed at me and says “co-pilot-e”. After some confusion it turns out that I am sitting (acting in as) the co-pilot for the trip. So the “travel” turns out to be one of the most interestingly parts of our trip (at least for me). Bernoulli was a smart man because I noticed that the speed of our plane was no more than 130 mph when we were taking of from the ground. Amazing. The whole trip I acted like a 10 yr old boy or Japanese tourist snapping pictures like crazy. Here are some from the plane and of us.
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