Sunday, June 7, 2009

Moutain Biking - Sierra Norte - Day 2

Pedro and I biked straight from the house while Whitney rode in the van up the first hill. Considering we did 7h on bike the day before and had at least 5 more today it might have been a wise decision. Pedro and I took full speed from the start, racing each other up the climb that lasts 8km and takes us from 2300m to 3100 meters in elevation. Pedro does better when it “flattens” out and is below 10% steep while I excel when the grade is close to 20+% and “it is more like skiing – not much biking,” unfortunately it is very seldom that steep.
After the first uphill we meet up with Whitney and start our long single track. 27k of trails in the land of no cars was ahead of us until we could meet up with the van on the other side (Abel drove around with the van). It was an absolutely fantastic experience and the trail was amazing. Some places so narrow it felt like you were falling of a cliff. We end up in a mountain-village with an amazing view at 2300m. It was so peaceful that you thought time stood still. Whitney and I bought some sodas in a “shop” and it was like being in another world.

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